Friday, September 19, 2008

raise your voice

may be it's only natural for me to start writing about the problem that troubles me the most,- how did we, women, get to where we are? every day something new happens for me to wonder how did we let it get this bad. i know there might be people from other countries who may read this and not be able to realate to a word i say. but it really doesnt matter...

the fact it that this topic has been debated over for ages and seems to really reach no conclusion, like another indo-chineese boundry talk. infact its reached to the point where guys actually ask me if ther is a problem, that women jus whine a lot and in reality the issue is not as great as we make it to be.they say the world has so many other forms of discrimination like apartheid and religious discrimnation but even they dont seem to make the kind of hue and cry, the way women do.......

maybe it true. there are other probs which may be jus as important doesnt make this any less an issue.i belive partly or may be completely we are the reason for our own plight. trace back history and u see the people who believe in a common cause get together and fight for their belifs.... american war of independence, russian revolution, revolt of 1857, the list could gone on but has ther been a time wen women stood together to fight for thier equality in society. every time women raise her voice for their rights it a women who stand in front to quiet her.

but the idea of equality has toally been distorted..... the current idea of feminism is completly fucked up... women themselves have no clue wat idea of equality they are fighting for.most of the time women disgust me with thier timidity and helpless attitude and other times the so called "empowered women" behave like they lost their brain the middle of the process.
this is such an irony. i think i jus contradicted myself and critisized my kind. but its the truth.
anyways i'll save the rest of my tirade for later.

what i am and what im not
love babel